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  1. No, I don't. 😂 I'll try to be more literate next time. Sorry.
  2. Isn't the comping exactly the same as in CbB? Seemed so when I checked.
  3. It is a bit strange, considering, what's really there when you zoom in a bit. I get it at times as well. If anything, it's irritating, because you need to check such a thing. Has to be a slight hitch in the outline/waveform rendering algo, which gets things wrong at a certain zoom level. Certainly there shouldn't be a full-height spike in any scenario for that little blob the audio waveform, if there really isn't any audible issue for that?
  4. I've had small glitches in exports when using Waves plugins (especially CLA-76 compressor). I guess glitching starts happening when a certain count of instances is reached (can't say how many, though). Turning off Plug-In Load Balancing in Playback and Recording stops that from happening, at least for me. Sometimes the glitches occur on playback as well.
  5. Just moved to new Sonar. Seems very nice! I noticed there's this new submenu available for clips: Create Region FX creates a region, but thenb this appears in the RX tool pane: I'm curious as to when this will start working? The old external editor thing in the Utilities menu still works nicely, but this would be even nicer. By the same token, I'd still very much like having the WAV-associated Utilities-menu items appear on the clip context menu... It would be perfect to access them from there (as well).
  6. You might have your audio interface's buffer size set to a large value. Or, you're not using an ASIO driver for your interface, with which you can usually get the lowest latency, depending on what type of plugins you have in your project tracks.
  7. Maybe it could show a tooltip when hovered over, with the overlapping markers shown below each other? Sounds like a bit of work, though, for solving a little problem, which can be solved by a little zoom-in-zoom-out move... (e.g. Alt + Mouse wheel)
  8. If you want to for example control pedal on/off in TH3 (or TH-U for that matter), you need to assign the pedal footswitch to an "automation slot" (15 available). Just right-click the pedal on/off button in TH3 and select a slot under Assign to automation slot for current preset menu. Then you can create an automation envelope for TH3 for that automation slot in the track. The same goes for any control in TH3 to which you can select an automation slot for.
  9. I used Audio Snap until I didn't. Got tired of the artifacts it tends to introduce. Maybe I just don't know hot to use it properly. These days I tend to just split the audio (with short auto crossfades) and move/stretch/shrink where needed. It seems to retain the quality if you don't have to do much stretching/shrinking. Sure, it's a lot of work but you usually get good results and there's no need to work around tool peculiarities. When done, just bounce to clips to make it nice one piece of audio.
  10. This is pretty amazing. No hiding behind gain and disto, I'd say. Ladies and gents, Steve Morse back in the day:
  11. Allan Holdsworth - Metal Fatigue: A perfect solo for me.
  12. Glad to hear I'm not going senile here (yet). ? I could get it to happen for tracks in the Track View as well, but I think it was when selecting nodes with lassoing them with the right button. Not as certain to happen there as for the buses. Maybe it's only with my workflow, but a bit annoying still. Removing the plugin focus when left/right clicking in the envelope area would solve this quite nicely, I think. I didn't try deleting the selected nodes from the context menu - it might leave the plugin intact that way. But, as said, I like using the keyboard...
  13. Had to check it out right away, so here's an exact sequence: Go to a bus in the Track View Select an automation envelope from the menu at the top of the bus pane so it becomes editable (the automation lanes are not open here) Click a plugin in the FX bin, leave the UI open or close it (the white focus brackets remain around the plugin label in the FX Bin) Select automation envelope nodes, either with the left or right mouse button Press Delete on the keyboard The plugin with the focus brackets is now gone from the FX Bin. If the envelope is not for that particular plugin, the nodes you thought you'd delete, remain. If the envelope was for the said plugin, the envelope goes with the plugin. It's not an intermittent thing, happens every time with this sequence. Seems to happen in the Track side as well, especially when you select envelope nodes by lassoing then with the right mouse button. If I remove the focus from the plugins in the FX Bin prior to pressing Delete, the peration only deletes the nodes. Unfortunately I tend to often open, say, a bus compressor UI and then start editing the threshold automation. Deleting any node with delete zaps the compresseor as well from the FX Bin, if I'm not careful. ?
  14. Btw, this is with the current CbB, not the new Sonar. Happened to me again yesterday. I'll try to come up with the exact sequence where it happens. Of course undo brings the plugin back, but sometimes, in the heat of the battle, you might not notice.
  15. This would be a fix request for this scenario: Click on a plugin in the FX Bin to open the plugin UI - the white selection brackets appear around the plugin - close the plugin UI The plugin still has the focus in the FX Bin Select nodes on an active automation envelope Press Delete to delete the nodes The nodes get deleted from the envelope, but so does the plugin that has the focus in the FX Bin Removing the plugin focus when nodes get selected for an atomation envelope would prevent this from happening. Of course also switching keyboard focus only to the envelope, if it has a concept of "being focused", would work.
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