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  1. Hi There, Im trying to connect my Korg nanoPad2 to cakewalk - I installed the driver and it shows up in midi/devices but when I check the box in Inputs and hit apply it complains that "A device ID has been used that is out of range for you system" I checked the driver settings - they look like this: can anybody help? Google says: "...This can occur on some systems when the MIDI Mapper is one of your selected MIDI output drivers. To resolve the problem, simply unselect the MIDI Mapper." But this is where I am stuck now. Cheers Burnie
  2. Yes it is. So after checking. It seems to be, that you need to install the correct driver for your specific device. In this case for the use of an UR242 Interface via USB on a Windows machine you need the driver from this page https://o.steinberg.net/en/support/downloads_hardware/downloads_ur242.html It is the Yamaha Steinberg USB Driver V2.0.4 after installing it it worked like a charm, who would have thought... Hope this helps others, too.
  3. Deinstalled the ASIO driver - now cakewalk starts up but I can not record because there is no asio of course... I am using a Steinberg UR242 is this supported?
  4. After I installed Steinberg Asio Drivers Cakewalk is not starting up anymore. What can I do? I Already followed the instrctions here for a fresh install but nothing works. I think this is sad. These are my system specs:
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