I'd like to have 4 different mixes for monitoring using Soundcfraft Notepad 12FX.
The first one comes directly from the analogic Aux Output.
The second one comes from Cakewalk Master output routed to "3+4" USB output, which goes to the console phone jack.
Now, the third and fourth.
This is what I thought:
I'll create 2 buses in Cakewalk and route both to the console USB Output “1+2”, which, by deafult, returns to the console 9/10 stereo input channel.
Bus 1 is going to be totally panned to L.
Bus 2 is going to be totally panned to R.
Please, correct me if I'm wrong.
I'm assuming that, In a stereo input channel like 9/10, when I send something only to the LEFT, it goes only to 9. And when I send something only to the RIGHT, it goes only to 10.
Now I'm assuming that when we have a stereo channel going to the console MASTER analog output, it is also separated between LEFT and RIGHT. I mean... 9 goes to LEFT, 10 goes to RIGHT.
It means I have:
Mix 1 ---- Bus 1 → “1+2” output → all panned to the left → channel 9 → console master L
Mix 2 ---- Bus 2 → “1+2” output → all panned to the right → channel 10 → console master R
It means I can plug 2 different phone amps in master L and R ang get 2 different mixes?