I am trying to record some audio tracks via Zoom Livetrak L12 into Cakewalk by Bandlab.
I have set up 5 audio tracks and tested them on 4 bars with a punch in and out. When the drummer starts, I can see the waveform progressing perfectly in line with the click however when I stop the track, the recording gets pushed back by a couple of milliseconds "eating" the first note which in this instance is a kick drum.
It took me a while to figure out it was a system or gear issue as my first point of call was to accuse the drummer (my 11 year old son) of playing out of time and being late to the click 😁
The clocks of both the PC and Livetrak are set to 44.1kHz, i have updated the drivers and firmware, i am not running any plugins during the recording process and I can physically see the waveform being pushed back when I hit the stop buton
Any help would be appreciated as i am slowly beginning to loos my mind.
Many thanks in advance for any responses