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Matthaeus Ebonah

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  1. Thanks for all the input Cakewalk family. I've solved the issue. I just cancelled my subscription to Sonar and started using a different DAW. It's crazy that I figured out a new DAW that I have zero experience with quicker than a DAW I been using for over 20 years ✌️.
  2. I've tried that too it doesn't work. And I don't have CbB on my computer anymore since I purchased Sonar. If I open an Old session in Sonar x3 (a nearly 15 year old program) it works just fine. Doing exactly the same process I would use in the current Sonar
  3. I'm trying to figure this out myself. I go to bandlab, log in and I don't see ANYWHERE for "account settings" or anything like it. I just seen who to follow and music I posted nothing more. I REALLY want to end this long term relationship I've have with Sonar.
  4. After 20 years of being a Cakewalk customer. I think it's just time to move on to a new DAW. But this isn't the only problem I've been having. I'm not going to list every problem I've been having but they're too numerous for me to continue using this software.
  5. This is how I do it. This is how I've ALWAYS done it. It's not working. My drums bounce but nothing else
  6. Hello Cakewalk/Sonar family. I've been using Sonar since it's inception way back when. I've NEVER experienced the copious amounts of problems I'm facing with this version of Sonar and I've been having the same issues since I bought it. There are many I could bring up but one that is more urgent is every time I try to export my audio as a WAV or MP3 it's missing a good portion of the song. I've highlighted everything and even tried high lighting the Master bus but no success. I'm doing EVERYTHING I've always done for the past 20 years to export a project as a MP3 and I'm having a hard time with this. What has changed?
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