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Herbert Chong

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  1. Ok, I tried to do step 1 but I don't see Clock as a Project preference. I wonder if the free version of Cakewalk has this? I didn't pay for my Cakewalk, just downloaded the free version and registered. For step 2 I might have known that the duration on a percussion track doesn't affect anything but it's long since vanished from my memory. Eyeballing the event list with a reminder of what to look for, I manually edited the few dozens events with really screwy durations. I've so far been doing minimal tinkering with these General MIDI files I've downloaded but I'm actually targeting either the TT1 that I found and configured for Cakewalk or my Roland SC-88VL that I recently got, or the Roland SC-55 that I bought many years ago. I understand that the TT1 is a superset of both my Roland hardware synths but there's a certain nostalgia playing with the boxes and getting them to work. I've got maybe a thousand MIDI files to sift through and spend time working on the ones where a) I can mute the lead track where I can play it using one of my wind controllers and my WX5/VL70-m combination, or b) play with it a lot to create something more like James Last/Dick Bakker sound. I want to add a MOTU Symphonic Instrument to my instruments to do b. Call me a modern day lounge lizard 8-). I think this MIDI file of Toto's "Africa" is something I can try a. Herb...
  2. Thanks for all that replied. Now that I know what to look for, I can learn more about the current Cakewalk UI and try to edit the several bad events and fix the file. Whoever sequenced it did a good job and I'd like to keep using the file in my projects. My intent is to remember and practice using my Yamaha WX11 and WX5 to replace the melody track with the output from my VL70m. It's a stretch for someone who didn't take music classes anywhere. I've been downloading and carefully going through MIDI files to find high quality ones including music minus one files to learn from and practice with. Herb...
  3. Hi everyone. I shudder to think how long it's been since I have done anything music-related but I'm pretty sure the last version of Cakewalk I used was Cakewalk Pro 5 or something like that in the mid-1990s. All I remember is that embedding WAV files into WRK files was a new thing when I packed up my MIDI gear into my storage locker. I was never experienced with music and MIDI but I had fun downloading and reworking MIDI files to match my synth stack and then recording the results. Anyway, on to my question: I'm rusty on terminology so I might be using the wrong words to describe things. I have downloaded a MIDI file that seems to go on and on after the last MIDI event shown in Events view on the percussion track. It's shown by Cakewalk as the last track with a note in the track view. In the Staff view I can see some note being played over and over past that measure but there's no actual sound. Various MIDI players for this file have many minutes of silence at the end of playing and I am trying to cut it off after the last audible note has decayed. What should I be looking for so that I can have a proper fadeout and then end for MIDI players so they don't go on for minutes of silence? Attached is the MIDI file. Africa.mid
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