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Everything posted by AndrewMcMechan

  1. OK, not sure why, but that seems to be the cause. I had changed my theme when the new version downloaded. I just returned it to Tungsten, there's the pesky little "+" again. Thanks, Promidi.
  2. Screenshot - no "+" where I normally found it. 2. Thank you for preferences tip. 3. Crashes - I will document more clearly when it happens again. Still early here, apologies. a.
  3. Hi all - willing to believe most of all of these may be due my lack of knowledge, but if not, help? 1. Articulation Maps Editor - when I open, there is no longer a "+" to add a new art map. I can work around by copying, duping, and editing, but not sure why that feature went away. 2. Not specific to latest release, but since I'm here, "Old Sonar" let you open multiple projects at once. I don't seem to be able to do this anymore, even in safe mode. It made copying from one project to another much easier. 3. Crashes. A lot. Started last release, hoped it would be fixed. Doesn't appear to be a specific cause.
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