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Imre de Jonge

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  1. Thanks everyone for the tips. Folders are definitely a great solution I got into shortly after my post, but, it means my console remains cluttered with 10 track strips for each take rather than just one set when I use take lanes. I don't get why grouping take lane clips doesn't group their function buttons as well... you'd think, right? I can't find any way to group solo buttons, either on the take lanes or on their parent tracks. (they're not selectable, they're just switches) I don't think that is possible. The only group command I can find is in the clips menu "create clip selection group" but this is greyed out. I can find no settings related to groups or their behavior in preferences. Bottom line is the grouping function just doesn't seem to work as advertised: an efficient way to review different takes in multi-track take lanes. Cheers.
  2. "By grouping clips, you can select and edit an entire group of clips by simply selecting or editing any group member." I am finding this isn't true. After creating a group, the selection, mute, solo, etc. remains track-by-track, as if they weren't grouped. Am I missing something? I record 10-track drum takes, and though my take lanes are grouped, as set in prefs, they behave no differently and I have to solo each of the 10 tracks one-by-one to hear my different takes. Same when not using take lanes. I was hoping the grouping feature would remove this drudgery... what's the solution? Folders?
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