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Pora Pora

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  1. I took those CC events out just before for debugging, my bad. The fader slide doesn't budge at all. Right, I wasn't trying to do individually, I just made patterns in step sequencer. I made sure to play with the volume too in the step sequencer to make sure it wasn't that. What solved it for now was just making an entirely new MIDI and Source tracks. In which case it could still either be a bug with Cakewalk or a bug with how the plugin was built.
  2. The ramp down is way further down at the end of the song. Seems regardless of whether I set the volume to the same level or completely remove the automation, the Main Drums track won't play.
  3. Like this, on the synth output track itself? Doesn't seem to do anything. I have the volume pretty cranked too. It's a pretty simple plugin from the looks of it, here's the basic doc: https://www.samplescience.info/2024/10/vintage-drum-elements.html Nothing crazy going on in the event lists either:
  4. Hmm just tried 10-16, no dice there either. Omni doesn't seem to work either.
  5. I have cycled through changing the channel from like 1 through 9 at least. Doesn't seem to make a difference. Also that's the Snare one that is unset/no input echo enabled. This is quite a puzzler!
  6. Hello! Having an issue with Vintage Drum Elements plugin. Both instances were working fine for my Snare Claps and my Main Drums tracks. However, I was messing with automating a fade at the end and now the Main Drums won't play at all. It appears to have basically all the same settings as the Snare track. I tried both removing and disabling the automation, making it all one volume, switching to a different automation, switching to TTS-1....just doesn't seem to want to play sound on playback for that track anymore. The plugin itself I can manually press pads and it will play. And like I said the Snare track works fine. It's on Vintage Drum Elements Plugin 1 on the synth rack and Main Drums is on Vintage Drum Elements Plugin 2. I even deleted and made a new plugin instance and called it 2. No dice. Notes are properly mapped when i open piano roll view too.
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