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Alan Idron

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  1. Hey everyone. Enjoying the software. I'm doing multiple passes and recording and getting midi take folders. Tho I can't yet see how I select to listen to certain takes? it just shows how many takes and recording I did. Thanks!
  2. thanks Bristol! did the trick! another q related to this: i'm using is a Sax instrument (V Horns Sax by Acoustics ) , it's an intrument in something called UVI station. When I use my computer keyboard as the midi source I can play quickly and retrigger new notes even playing each key quickly, but when I play it with my actual midi keyboard "yamaha es 8" i can't play fast ..the notes don't get triggered quickly enough. However that was before I did it as instrument track. Have you ever heard of this midi behavior and you think it can be the result of creating a midi track, as opposed to the more correct way of instrument track?
  3. cheers to you 905133 ! an instrument track is what it is. thanks a bunch.. as a follow up - what i'm using is a Sax instrument (V Horns Sax by Acoustics ) , it's an instrument in something called UVI station. When I use my computer keyboard as the midi source I can play quickly and retrigger new notes even playing each key quickly, but when I play it with my actual midi keyboard "yamaha es 8" i can't play fast ..the notes don't get triggered quickly enough. However that was before I did it as instrument track. Have you ever heard of this midi behavior and you think it can be the result of creating a midi track, as opposed to the more correct way of instrument track?
  4. Hi All I'm trying to add a vst plug-in CLA guitars by WAVES But I need to add it a midi track that is playing a virtual sax In logic , I'm always able to add fx or plgins like these to both audio tracks and midi instrument tracks - but I can't figure out how to do this Cla guitars doesn't appear as one of the effects options for the midi track FYI this is cakewalk by band lab- can this be the bottle neck ?
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