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Audio Git

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Everything posted by Audio Git

  1. After much muddle and confusion, Magix have admitted that the Humble Bundle version of SFpro17 does not contain usable Izotope content. Punters might have thought otherwise: https://www.magix.com/int/music/sound-forge/sound-forge-audio-studio/version-comparison/ (look at additional third party plug-ins). It would appear that I am the only Vegas pro 2024 downloader who was disappointed with this bundle, through lack of clarity. Be careful with what you may get.
  2. So, here is a question to those of you who have downloaded Humble Bundle latest Vegas pro 2024 bundle - the SoundForge pro 17 component. According to Magix, this should include the Izotope ozone 11 elements and Izotope RX 10 elements external plugins. Only, my didn't. Izotope wasn't in the installation list. So I downloaded SF pro 17 directly from the Magix site, and used the HB s/n, and bingo izotope x 2 was in the installation list and apparently installed. SFp17 then fired up and worked apart from when I called upon an Izotope feature (they were all listed in the VST list). A pop up asked for a serial number/ activation code which had not been supplied by HB, so I could not use the Izotope features. Has the HB version of SFp17 been crippled of Izotope features? Is there an activation code? What has been your experience, and do you have a solution for me?
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