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Everything posted by DoubleVision

  1. Hi there all ... I'm new up here, and know aaaabsolutely nothing about forums or posting or rules/guidelines or anything! Let alone keeping track of threads... Goodness knows whether I'll be reasonably able to really participate much on an ongoing basis ... :(, so ... please be kind! :). Big shoutout/"hi" to Annabell particularly, just to let you all know that I'm another blind/screen-reader user hanging on grimly to Sonar 8.5, (only 15 years old software now - hahaha!) I been using Cakewalk since the DOS days of 1992! So, ... only over 30 years investment in using the product.... <grin.>. A biiig Thanks to all of you seeking to spend so much time and energy seeking to help on this thread! Very impressive! :). I ran across this forum/thread today, as I also was keen to know if Sonar 8.5 would support VST 3 plugins, as I just installed Kontakt 8 this arvo, because I'd download the free Tokio Scoring strings from Best Service Audio I think ... but couldn't see the Kontakt VST turning up as a .dll anywhere in the file system, nor in the Cakewalk Plugin manager thinggy. Then I discovered from further research that VST 3s aren't dlls any more! But have a .VST3 extension instead. So it's path wasn't listed as one the plugin manager was scanning. But, now I find the truth here, that sonar 8.5 *doesn't* support them natively. That's what my sighted tech dude thought might be the case as well. So he already talked about trying to find some kind of plugin wrapper, that might potentially expose certain VST instruments, to successfully utilise in Sonar 8.5. So I've noted a few of the great tips up here to try with him tomorrow. Thanks to you all for those! And we're another year on from this thread's inception, so ... yeah. who knows how this will go. Keen to try and utilise the recently freely offered Tokio Scoring Strings package, Oh, BTW for Annabell/any Other VI's (vision impaireds haha) that might be up here, I *did* manage to get Sonar 8.5 limping along with JSonar (Jaws support Scripts) on my Windows 10 box. but, ... it sure wasn't a walk in the park to do so! and it's sure not nearly as solid as it was on my old Windows 7 box.
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