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  1. On my old system, any MIDI imported could be immediately played with a built in (basic) piano vst. But now on my current system I need to do the whole adding another instrument track and doing that before I can hear anything. The MIDI tracks are now only MIDI where as one of them used to have a synth instrument already applied. I use Musescore 4 to export my MIDIs. Below is how Cakewalk would look when opening a MIDI file. However, now it looks like this: Is this because I haven't installed all the built-in instruments or something? Additionally, I'm sure it was this VST called "TTS-1" that would automatically load. But I no longer have it. How do I install this?????
  2. Additionally, the midi (exported from Musescore 4) no longer has a pre added piano from Cakewalk. I used to be able to hear it play with some built in Cakewalk instruments but now they're just Midi and I need to manually add an instrument before I can hear anything
  3. The version is the exact same being the latest version. I used to just be able to right click and replace synth option for the two tracks but now I have to keep adding a third track.
  4. How do I get rid of this line that follows the mouse cursor. Its very distracting Another question, why the hell is this other line drawn over every element of Cakewalk
  5. On my old PC with the same version of Cakewalk, I used to be able to just right click the midi track here circled in red, and in this drop down menu, an option to "Replace Synth for All Tracks Using This Synth..." would appear. This MIDI icon on the track would also have a square outline instead of a flat icon. I don't know how to bring this option back. Also please don't suggest me to use the synth rack view to replace it. The place this option would be listed is shown below:
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