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Deidre Rodriguez

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About Deidre Rodriguez

  • Birthday 04/10/1996

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  1. Good to know about iLok, thanks! So, I could run World Suite 3 in Cakewalk or do I need to run it in the UVI workstation and then transfer it to Cakewalk? Or is there a way to open the WS3 library within Cakewalk? Thanks for the help!
  2. I haven't used anything yet, really. I was just concerned with the fact that the World Suite 3 required a UVI workstation and a iLok account (assuming this is an Apple thing?). I didn't want to download it and then run into issues. My band mate who produces all of our music on Cakewalk mentioned looking for things that are VST3 and PC native, which World Suite doesn't seem to be. While I do sing, I hear you on not having the time or ability to play all the cool instruments we want to use on these songs lol! I'll definitely check out the places you mentioned and see if I find anything that sounds like what I'm wanting. Thanks so much!
  3. Hi all, I’m brand new to music production and recently started working (read, slowly learning) with Cakewalk. I’m looking to finish a few demos I’ve written that are in the style of Ofra Haza, Lorena McKennitt, Dead Can Dance, etc. I was wondering if anyone had opinions or experience in using this plug-in called UVI World Suite 3. It appears to have everything I want, sound-wise, but I’m not sure about the tech aspects. Does it work well with Cakewalk? Do any of you have experience using this program? If it isn’t a good fit, is there something similar out there that works better with Cakewalk? I’m trying to be thorough before dropping $200 on a plug-in lol. I appreciate any feedback and advice! And, feel free to explain things to me like I’m 5…like I said, I’m brand new to production.
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