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Christopher Scurrah

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  1. The Korg DW8000 instrument definition will also work with the FB-7999 VST Plugin https://www.fullbucket.de/music/fb7999.html
  2. Cakewalk Instrument Definitions for:- Korg DW8000, Korg NS5R & Korg Modwave Novation Bass Station Rack, Super Bass Station, Bass Station 2 & Mininova Korg - Cakewalk Instrument Definitions.zip Novation - Cakewalk Instrument Definitions.zip
  3. Cakewalk Instrument Definitions for Korg DW8000, Korg NS5R & Korg ModwaveKorg - Cakewalk Instrument Definitions.zip Cakewalk Instrument Definitions for Novation Mininova, Bass Station 2, Bass Station Rack, Super Bass StationNovation - Cakewalk Instrument Definitions.zip
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