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Everything posted by musicguy227

  1. Solved, found them in the excluded folder, and I enabled them. All is well.
  2. I appreciate the help. My UADx plugins are showing up but still not the instruments. I have verified they exist on my system. They do work in Reaper, Mixbus, and Live. Just not on CbB.
  3. Yes, all seems well. I have the same paths for the other DAWs on my system and they are found and functioning in them, just not to be found in cakewalk. Other UADx FX plugins are showing and functioning. It's a mystery.
  4. Cakewalk will see all the UADx FX plugins but ignore the instruments. I am sure paths are correct as they are displayed in other DAWs on my system. Any ideas? THANKS
  5. Yeah! I am back with VIP. Thanks for the assist.
  6. Hey folks, VIP will not load into Version 2020.1 (Build24, 64bit) It is working in my other DAWs . I checked the VST scans and it is in the list, just fails to load with the message; The following plug-ins are referred to by this project, but could not be found. Any ideas? THANKS!
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