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  1. Xoo's post in Show entire clip or selection when opening Piano Roll View was marked as the answer   
    Right click on clip, PRV, no?
  2. Xoo's post in Cakewalk does not register (SOME) VSTi with a '+' at the end was marked as the answer   
    It does for me (Windows 10 - sf+.dll and also z3ta+.dll) and did on the previous install of Windows 10 Pro (64 bit) - I did an in-place upgrade, so the folders/filenames were identical so it's not a general Windows 7/10 issue.  Good solution you found though.
    My guess is it's related to the 8.3 filename being created (or not) correctly, which the VST subsystem still uses.
  3. Xoo's post in Audio File Explorer Column Headings was marked as the answer   
    This is Windows (10, I assume) being "clever" and using what it calls "Automatic Folder Type Discovery" - you can disable it (registry tweak) and customise folders more how you like, but it has some consequences (which may or may not bother you!).
    See here for more info: https://winaero.com/blog/disable-folder-type-discovery-windows-10/
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