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Boaz van der Vorm

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  1. So, I've been trying for a while to connect the MIDI out of my Yamaha P45 digital piano to cakewalk so I can use it as a midi controller and record what I play, but for some reason it keeps doing weird: When I just plug it in and put all the settings and select everything, it works, but then my audio of my piano itself stops working, probably because it thinks the midi out is also audio. When I then turn my piano off and on again, it does give audio, but then the midi doesn't record even when all the settings are correct. Is this a software or hardware issue? And is it possible to turn off input echo and make my sound come from my piano instead of going through cakewalk (which adds a lot of latency in the ears of an experienced pianist). I feel quite dumb right now, as I think I'm just missing something obvious, also because with MidiEditor, which I tried out earlier, it was literally plug and play and none of these issues arose. Really sorry if this isn't the place for questions like this but it was the only thing I could find around Cakewalk.
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