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Horned Toad Music

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Everything posted by Horned Toad Music

  1. Using the download fix from Noel Borthwick (Cakewalk_Redist_Setup_1.0.0.010.exe) seems to have resolved my issues. At least the Cakewalk Product Center application downloaded, installed, and launched. I have not tried Cakewalk Sonar yet. Thank you Noel!!!
  2. I am having the same problem as you folks are reporting and it started 2 days ago with Windows 10. CW stopped working, i.e., errors out with Windows message (see attached jpg file). Cakewalk Product Center will not even launch, i.e., nothing happens. Cakewalk Sonar errors out with Windows message. But I did install CW v27.12.0.102 and it did launch and works (the About Cakewalk from the Help pull-down indicates v2021.12 (Build 102, 64 bit)). But updating CW to a newer version results in Windows message again. I reported this to CW tech support but no answers to date. And there are no crash files. How disheartening! Not to mention frustrating!! Any assistance would be greatly appreciated. Many thanks!
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