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  1. Just got Terrie, pretty disappointing. Not even ooohs or ahhhs. Maybe some of the African chants can be of some use? Glad I purchased Ethera Soul as well!
  2. I use my BCF2000 all the time. My electronic drum kit is not in direct line of sight and I can press a button and play back, or a couple of keys presses let's me record from my from throne. I can set other instrument levels without looking at a screen. My acoustic guitar/vocal area is also not in direct line of sight and the computer keyboard is not within reach, so the iPad works here. Also, using trackball for extended periods is troublesome to my hand, it is nice to give it a break. I am planning on recording a bunch of key presses into the Eucontrol app for my ipad to save further wear and tear although you could use combinations of key presses( alt, control, shift etc) to do the same thing. However, once setup up it will be a one press on my iPad. Pretty useful to me!
  3. Hi, you have to download the eucontrol stuff for Cakewalk. I found it by googling which lead me to the old Sonar X1 site. I had to log in and then it gave me a link to the download. After running it, you can enable the eucontrol midi input and output and then select the eucontrol as a control surface. It will show tracks etc. But no soft keys have been implimented as far as I can tell. Of course you do need to download the driver software from Avid as well.
  4. Problems here. opening a project i have used many.many times now crashes to the desktop after playing for about 5 seconds. I have a mini dump. Looking at it, it has an access violation. i have rolled back, but still crashes. I crashed a few minutes ago but didn't crate a minidump/ Microsoft (R) Windows Debugger Version 10.0.15063.468 AMD64 Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Loading Dump File [C:\Users\Scott\AppData\Roaming\Cakewalk\Cakewalk Core\MiniDumps\a blues for u7_04242020_220910.dmp] Comment: 'Cakewalk Core Created Dump -------------------------------- App Version: User: Scott Serial: CBCO100UZBVKS21EEIA Project File: D:\a blues for u\a blues for u7.cwp IsPluginCrash: 0 Total Phys Mem 16692332 KB Avail Phys Mem 5330252 KB -------------------------------- Aud Settings: -------------------------------- AlwaysOpenAllDevices 0 DynamicArm 0 DynArmOnlyInputs 1 MultiProc 1 MinimizeDriverStateChanges 1 MMCSS 1 WaveRT 0 CloseOnLostFocus 0 Default Bit Depth 24 Default Rec Bit Depth 16 Default Render Depth 32 Default Sample Rate 48000 Playback Buffer Size 2 Bounce Buffer Size 2 Core 2 Play Timing Master ASIO Fireface USB Analog 1 (1) Record Timing Master ASIO Fireface USB Analog 1 (1) ' User Mini Dump File: Only registers, stack and portions of memory are available Symbol search path is: srv* Executable search path is: Windows 10 Version 18363 MP (8 procs) Free x64 Product: WinNt, suite: SingleUserTS 18362.1.amd64fre.19h1_release.190318-1202 Machine Name: Debug session time: Fri Apr 24 22:09:10.000 2020 (UTC - 4:00) System Uptime: not available Process Uptime: 0 days 0:03:16.000 ................................................................ ................................................................ ................................................................ ................................................................ ................................................................ .... Loading unloaded module list ................................................................ This dump file has an exception of interest stored in it. The stored exception information can be accessed via .ecxr. (334.24a4): Access violation - code c0000005 (first/second chance not available) ntdll!NtGetContextThread+0x14: 00007ffa`dda5de54 c3 ret EDIT:.......... I think I found my problem. I removed the Amplitube VST3 plugin and now seems to run fine. I have had problems with the VST3 version of this plugin and Cakewalk for years now. I have brought it up to Cakewalk and IK Multimedia but after getting the usual reboot, reload etc responses I have felt blown off. Anyway, seems like it is working with the VST2 version of Amplitube.
  5. Solved! After seeing several programs being affected by the blank white app window ( Cakewalk Start Screen, Waves Central, Izotope RX6 etc) I finally found the fix: remove the Duet Display app!. It seems that several of these types of apps confuse Windows when updating. Deleted the app, rebooted and it is fine now.
  6. Updated to Win 10 v1909 several times, still happens. I have a z68 system with the HD3000 graphics. I know it's old......Works fine with Windows 10 1803, but a blank(white) start screen with 1909. I suspect an opengl or something being the problem. If I update the graphic drivers after the update i have the same problem. Any solutions? Thanks!
  7. I have the MR816, not the csx version. The crash occurs when I try to load the plug ins. I have always assumed that it was because I did not have the csx version. Perhaps you configured the unit as a MR816 instead of a MR816csx.
  8. Thanks for posting the video. Most people have no idea what a great piano player he was. Looks like that generation is fading quickly and I see few picking up that torch and moving into the future. Glad I was around for such wonderful American music!
  9. Hey Matthew, thanks for the light theme! I just got out of the hospital so it will be a couple of days before I can try it out. I'll let you know what I like/dislike about it.
  10. Nice stuff! I raided your theme for the fx on/off button color scheme....pretty easy Started on the pan etc buttons for the gradiated outer ring. Man, a lot of effort for that! I love the light Mercury style themes, so I created my own, but if you ever do a light theme it will be light years ahead of mine. Thanks for all the work.
  11. You can build rockwool panels pretty cheaply. The covering material is a lot of the expense. Maybe have your wife help in choosing fabric and color? Can't hurt to have her buy into the process. As a stopgap, people have hung blankets on stands forever.... To help with parallel walls I have a couple of office cubical dividers set at angles around my recording area. They were free but I bet you could find one or two for hardly any money. Please look at this as a long term proposition. Try to enjoy the process! Treating your room correctly will stop you from rebuying foam etc. You may find that some of your audio gear is fine after treating the room. Good luck
  12. Yep works fine. Fixed the sample rate switching when loading project templates from the start screen. Didn't seem to break anything else.
  13. Thanks Scook, I did click on the envelope but didn't see anything relating to PM. Yet another obscurity that leaves me scratching my head. Again, thanks for the info.
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