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Everything posted by MARK WISMER

  1. I am a bit frustrated, I am hoping you all can help me. In Windows 10 and 11, I use a primitive MIDI editor that just barely does what I want it to do. I would like to have more control over tempo during live playback, etc. It is also hard to see/edit non-note data in the channels. I use it to play a pipe organ, which I do not have at home, where I do most of my editing. I downloaded Cakewalk with all the add-ons that were automajically offered. I managed to pull in a MIDI file I had and tried to play it back. Nothing. I then discovered that Cakewalk doesn't see the MS GS Wavetable Synth for output. I agree this is a horrible synth with poor timing and poor quality. It got the job I needed done, though. I just need to hear the notes. None of the stuff about the availability of TTS-1 seems to be true, I looked though the lists of plugins, but I can't even see what to do with them and TTS-1 is not present. My question to people here who know things is this: If I were to purchase the Roland VSTi module (which I cannot find on Roland's web site, anyway), would it solve my problem of playing and editing MIDI in Cakewalk. Because of my physical MIDI output device, there are limitations. I have to use one channel for each manual of the organ (channels 0,1 and 2). I would dearly love to transpose only channel 2 down one octave when playing as that is what the organ does. If anyone has suggestions, please advise. In the meantime, I plan to explore editing MIDI in Cakewalk even though I can't hear it, to see if Cakewalk will functionally do the editing I am used to. Thanks in advance for any advice you choose to offer.
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