English: Hello! When I activated the preview of the drum parts in Session Drummer, noise and sound distortion occurred, as you reported. I solved the problem by unchecking "PREVIEW AT HOST TEMPO" in the selection tab, which also includes "Auto-preview" and "Loop Preview".
"PREVIEW AT HOST TEMPO" must cause some kind of overlap, conflicting with the basic action of the preview.
I hope this helps.
Best regards!
Português: Olá! Quando acionava o preview das peças da bateria do Session Drummer, ocorria ruído e deformação sonora, conforme relatos de vocês. Resolvi o problema desmarcando o "PREVIEW AT HOST TEMPO" da aba de seleção onde consta, também, "Auto-preview" e "Loop Preview".
O "PREVIEW AT HOST TEMPO" deve causar algum tipo de sobreposição conflitando a ação base do preview.
Espero ter ajudado.