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Samuel Telson

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Everything posted by Samuel Telson

  1. @User 905133 Yeah i am talking about my preset voices and drums. I tried to edit in instrument definition file in notepad and add my drums but it is not showing my custom drum. Only showing SX700 factory voices and styles. If i open the project custom drums sounds are showing like bank 7937 and 7939. Is this means that i have to create a custom bank in instrument definition file and map LSB,MSB and PC in it?
  2. @Promidi I only need to add my user sound to instrument definition. How can i edit instrument definition file and add my user sound with notepad? For example one of my user drumkit MSB,LSB and PC are #062,001,009 . Is there any way to add this? Thank you for your reply
  3. @WookieeThanks for your feedback. I have already added the instrument definition file. I am able to choose patch and bank select from the midi track. But my question is the instrument definition file only containing factory sounds and drumkits from yamaha. But i want to add my user expansion sounds to instrument definition file. So i can choose the expansion bank and patch from each individual midi track.
  4. Hi i am Samuel. I am using cakewalk couple of years for midi sequencing. I have SX700 arranger keyboard and i would like to use my user voice and drums (Expansion pack) that i created with Yamaha Expansion Manager. After searching on google i found that i have to add expansion sounds manually to instrument definition file. I have sx700 instrument definition file and how can i add expansion sound. I have another question that whenever i save a standard midi file in cakewalk and after reopening the project, its tempo and time signature changes at first bar. I checked that there is no automation on the tempo track. Is this issue related to midi clock? Please forgive me if I said anything incorrect
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