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Everything posted by Lucas525721

  1. When I record my guitar, vocals etc, it is delayed in input echo by about 1 second and it also records about 1 behind when I play it, but when I only have it so I’m hearing it from my interface it doesn’t delay.
  2. I know this is a couple years late but just saying I had ur problem and I know what the fix is, my guess is that your recording interface has two places to plugin, and my guess in that in cakewalk there are two lines on the track where you record, and my guess is that there is only a recording on one of the lines, this is because you are recording in stereo mode but on your interface you are only recording in one of the inputs, basically the fix for this is that you want to right click on the track after you record it, and select, convert to mono, that should be the fix
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