I bougth a Millenium MPS-850 and was trying to record it using Cakewalk version 2024.07, I believe the latest version at the time of writing this question.
When I connected the drums it setup the device and I added a new Soft Sync track with SI-Drum Kit as shown in the image below;
If I play the drums I can hear them on my laptop, if I open the SI-Drum Kit it triggers the correct pieces. However, when I hit record nothing gets recored, the timleine just stays red:
And if I play what I recorded it just doesn't have any sound. I thought it might be something with my output but it really seems like it's not recording anything. I'm using a USB to MIDI cable to connect the drums.
Would highly appreciate some help since I'm new to this, I searched YouTube, other questions here but I can't find anything related.
Thanks in advance!