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Hanan Cohen

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  1. Thanks. It does that even when I don't play. See a screenshot of the log. It's an old keyboard I bought second hand. Will need to find a way to fix it.
  2. I found the problem. I ran a MIDI-OX and saw that my keyboard is sending garbage from this key.
  3. Hi, When recording a MIDI track I get short notes that are noise. I don't know where they come from. I am running Windows 11. I restarted my computer so and only opened Cakewalk. I have the latest version of Cakewalk. It's a clean project. The instrument is SL-Electric-Piano by Cakewalk. I am attaching a screenshot and a sound file so you can see and hear. You can see the noise in the middle Any help towards troubleshooting the problem would be appreciated. Thanks, Hanan song1.mp3
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