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  1. Hi, I thought to share some new findings how to use SLMixFace with Cakewalk Sonar Version 2024.09. I bought a used SL MixFace and had trouble to connect with Sonar to get it work right. I reviewed all previous recommendations and they worked sort of good, but not completely. However meanwhile I found the solution and so far everything works: Transport Control, Faders, Buttons, Inserts, Loops, etc. The setup is as follows: - For MIDI Device add MIDIIN3 (SLMIXUSB) and MIDIOUT3 (SLMIXUSB) - Port 3 of SL Mixface is used for transport control. - In Control Surfaces add the SL MiXface as Mackie Control and assign the in- and outport as described above - In Mackie Control Preferences select the options show below. NOTE: Select the Mackie Control Universal (Cubase Mode) Protocol. - in SL MixFace Global Settings -> DAW Port and type select as PORT USB port 3 (no other option except bluetooth is available) and TYPE: Cubase-Nuendo. Now SL MixFace is set to Cubase mode and MackíeControl in Sonar is also set to Cubase protocal. That setup works just perfect for me. Have fun playing !
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