It's my first time posting here, thank you for the warm welcome & thanks to you I've been able to get good stuff (Like the StereoLab or the Spitfire deal). ❤️
Honestly, except the $1 Tier for Hazy Days (Though it's just the sample pack & not even the actual expansion), it's probably the worst deal I've ever seen on Humble & from Native Instruments.
A quick breakdown for the 7 items going for $30 & supposedly worth "$294 in value":
Guitar Rig 7 LE (Not available for purchase alone | $30 Tier to unlock), has just a few more effects than the free version, but the included ones like Raum are often given away for free in campaign. (GR7 Pro: 141 Effects | GR7 Free: 28 Effects | GR7 LE: 46 Effects, just 14 more than the Free version).
Lo-Fi Glow ($49 Retail | $30 Tier to unlock), NI quite often does a 50% discount on the Play-Series plugins.
Faded Reels Sample Pack ($29 Retail | $30 Tier to unlock ). TIL that they now do tiers for their expansions, $29 for the samples & $49 for the expansion (samples + presets). Just making things even more confusing.
Drift Theory Sample Pack ($29 Retail | $20 Tier to unlock). Same story, just the Wav.
Analog Dreams (FREE | $20 Tier to unlock?!) How unashamed one has to be to include in a bundle & paywall stuff that are available for free on their website.
Cloud Supply ($49 | $20 Tier to unlock) Same story as Lo-Fi Glow, often discounted at 50%.
Hazy Days Sample Pack ($29 Retail | $1 Tier to unlock) The only item that is worth it.
Total Value: 49 + 29 + 29 + 49 + 29 + 0 (AG) = $185 value. Nowhere near close the $294 advertised value, unless NI claims GR7 LE is worth $109 when it has just 14 more effects than the free version while GR7 pro retails for $199 with the full 141 effects.😂
In summary, really disappointed in NI for misleading customers by artificially boosting the value of the bundle by including products that are literally free on their website (Analog Dreams) falsely giving the impression there's more than there actually is, overestimating the value of the bundle by over 30% & only including the cheaper versions of the listed expansions (Which confused some believing they were getting the expansions, but in fact only got the samples .Wav).
Edit: As others mentioned, the packs (Faded Reels, Drift Theory & Hazy Days) are just the samples packs (.Wav only, $29 value) & not the expansions ($49).