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vinnie tieto

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  1. Hi folks! After a long layoff, I'm getting back into recording and I've owned both Sonar and Reason for many years. I'm equally rusty on both so "use the one you know best" isn't a factor. MIDI and audio are both important to me. I upgraded Sonar regularly until about the time it became BandLab. I tried the BandLab (free) version about five years ago for a simple vocal track and found it to be buggy. I know Reason has never been considered a "top-tier" DAW but there are things about it l like. I've never actually used it to record audio. What do you recommend here? Two more things: This isn't my main pursuit so speed and minimal roadblocks and gotcha's are important. Also, I recently lost my job so keeping expenses down is desirable. Thanks!
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