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David Fowler

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Everything posted by David Fowler

  1. I found if I set both input and output for the track to digital piano, and change the piano setting from piano to something else, and back, it all works again until next time I turn stuff off. Important to close cakewalk then turn off keyboard, and turn keyboard on before starting cakewalk... then change on the midi keyboard from piano to xx then back to piano, and it all works again. Thanks to all those who have created it, and it would be great if that bug could be fixed.
  2. I had the same problem. Yamaha digital piano would either play during record, but be silent at playback, or it would be silent during record, and play during playback... weird behaviour, then after retrying a dozen times, it suddenly works perfectly for no clear reason... Then turning the computer and keyboard off, and back on... back to no replay sound.
  3. Hi Helpful people. Just like DallasSteve, I have exactly the same problem. I have a Midi keyboard fed into Cakewalk. while Cakewalk is on, the keyboard is silent, but the midi signals get through, and are recorded.. then playback makes the keyboard sound properly... It did all work early on, but as I tried to learn the basics, whatever I did, has resulted in the silent input keyboard, but sounding output keyboard... Any more hints? Dave
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