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La Banda Oculta

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  1. OK, I have found that if you disable in Cakewalk, Edit --> Preferences --> Project --> MIDI --> MIDI Event Chase on Play, then is "better", which means the first note sounds, but after few milliseconds it stops sounding. But at least it sounds. I couldnt find anything in the Fantom itself. I will keep trying
  2. Sorry all, the Roland Fantom XR doesnt have the problem, so it MUST be a configuration parameter. If I find it, I will report
  3. I have found the workaround. 1- close the cakewalk 2- go to the project folder where the audio files are currently located 3- select all, cut 4- go to the folder you want to use as audio data 5- paste the files 6- start the Cakewalk, open the project, it will say "where are my files?!?!?!?!?!? AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH" 7- select the folder you chose in step 4, but say "Make a reference" 8- open the project, the audio files will be there, then save the project, close the cakewalk 9- go back to your project folder (the one in step 2), delete the folder 10- open the cakewalk again, open the project again, it will say "the project folder doesnt exist, AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!! want to create it?", say NO. It will offer now to select the audio folder, select the folder in step 4, save the project. DONE 11- to make sure you got it right do 11-1- play the project, work fine? layer 1 passed 11-2- in cakewalk, go to main menu Project --> Audio Files, confirm that the file show in the new location, worked? layer 2 passed 11-3- Now, record something in this condition, the file will be saved in the folder you wanted. Worked? passed layer 3 Worked for me
  4. All, you know what the problem is? Is in what JamPro said in other words: I am used to. My computer has an SSD 512 GB. I want to have ALL Audio files in the same folder in an external drive, that can develop 10 Gbps. But I dont know if it will work, so I am connecting to this computer the same drive I used to record a previous record, it can make 160 Mbps. So I did have ALL my audio files in the external drive. I know it works. But I think I was recording 48 ksamp/sec before. Now, at 96 kHz (or kilosamples/sec) you will need 96000 ksamp/sec * 2 frames per sample (I and Q) * 24 bits per sample = 4.608 Mbps. If you have like 24 tracks, this goes to 110.592 Mbps. Should work. I want to give a try. No, you will get it hard So, why in this world I have to, if I NEVER did in previous Cakewalk/Sonar versions - need to say how to record the audio - how to consider the new take - where to store the files ???? And the list goes on and on. I already recorded 7 records with Cakewalk, starting in 1998. Except the latest, released 2 years ago, not with this version of Cakewalk. And then you think twice .... and figure why is free. Dont take me wrong: still is the ONLY one to be used, is the only one with the correct staff to write drums. But, you guys are making it hard. Really do I have to - open the file already recorded - save it as bundle - close it - save it again and say where the audio files should be set? I think I will prefer to move all recorded files to my desired location, and when the file opens, say "get the files from here". Well, except we can set something in the initialization file ....
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