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Matthew Robinson

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Everything posted by Matthew Robinson

  1. Thanks for the reply. I've just sent you a PM. As regards the SMC-Mixer, it's not a bad little thing at all, and as you say it's incredibly cheap. I don't know how responsive more expensive control surfaces are, but the only time I ever noticed any lag was when I was monitoring MIDI messages via the included app. Maybe other control surfaces are much better, but for someone like me who just likes to dabble and doesn't want to spend too much money, it's perfect. Or I should say, it's perfect with AZ Controller. When I first tried it with Cakewalk's built-in Mackie plugin (which is what the manual suggested), strange things kept happening (sometimes buttons would repeat, sometimes the sliders would act like a pitch wheel), but with AZ Controller it's been absolutely rock solid. I've been learning how to use AZ Controller by trying to recreate the basic out-of-the-box set-up in AZ Controller, which I have just about done, and have started adding my own customization. It's just amazing how much is possible with your programme! Once I've finished testing everything I will upload my basic preset to your forum in case anyone else wants to use the SMC-Mixer with Cakewalk. I'm really happy with it, but again, this is all thanks to AZ Controller.
  2. A quick question (or two) for Azslow3. I've recently acquired one of the new(ish) cheap M_Vave SMC-Mixers, and I've been experimenting with your fantastic AZ Controller, trying to reproduce the default "Daw mode" Mackie Control functions as a way of learning how to use AZ Controller. I think I have run into the focus / select bug you describe here: https://www.azslow.com/index.php?topic=282.0. If I select a track using the "Select Track" button on the controller (using Strip / Track / Current followed by Function / Select Strip), I can select a track, but then if I use the keyboard to move up and down, Cakewalk remembers the last track selected using the keyboard, not the one selected by the controller. It's not a huge problem as I don't imagine I will often be combining the controller with the keyboard, but I was wondering - did you ever find a work-around for this? I've tried various things but nothing has worked so far. Also - I would have posted this question on your forum at azslow.com, but I can't seem to get an activation email. This might be because you have to send the emails manually, and have not had time to do so yet - if so there is no hurry! But if the sending of the activation email is automated, either the automation isn't working or the emails are being swallowed up by my email provider's spam-filter before they even get to my junk mail folder. Anyway, many thanks for making AZ Controller available. It's a really useful and powerful utility!
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