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  1. I'm using the free/"standard" version of Cakewalk by the way, though I think I still need to download the latest patch. I've never really looked for SI Drum alternatives because I was happy with how they sound and didn't feel a need to explore further. But if these other free VST drums sound at least as good and make routing/separating audio much easier, I don't mind switching. (though I'm sticking to free VSTs only, for now) Maybe this could remove the hassle altogether. The reason I'm using a Drum Map is mostly to customize my midi drum pad layout for easier finger drumming. I also prefer to have the option of being able to record the drums together each time (instead of first recording only the part for the kicks, then only the snare hits, etc.) As long as that's the case, and the audio output is separated per drum/group, I'm indifferent towards having one or multiple midi outputs as a result. I'm also not sure if the CAL scripts you guys mentioned are meant to be used only when you're mostly done with the project and not really recording anything new anymore? I know this image isn't super accurate of how Cakewalk works, but this is just to show my train of thinking (or the rough idea of the kind of workflow/setup I'm searching for). This would be the result of a single recording action:
  2. Oh I only found out about CAL about a week ago, I didn't know there was something like the split notes thing. Is it an action you do at the end when your track is finished? Or can you keep working/recording in a single midi track while the function wires things to separate tracks while you're working on the project?
  3. Hi all, I've been using Cakewalk for some time now but there are still a lot of basic features that I have yet to figure out. QUESTION I have a drum track (SI Drum Kit) that I want to split up into a few separate channels, something like Kick, Snare, Toms, Hats, but I can't figure out how to do this in Cakewalk. This is mainly so I can process each group with different effects (such as separate equalizers per group). I also have a Drum Map because I use a midi drum pad as input to record notes. Ideally I would have a single midi track so I can record my drumming inputs with a single button, and the output from that is split up to the different channels like described above. It would probably be useful to also have some kind of container (bus?) for all drum tracks together, so I can for example mute or solo all the drums as a whole with a single click, or maybe to do some mixing/processing over all of them together as well. CURRENT ATTEMPT/SETUP I've watched some videos explaining how to split drum tracks or route them to a bus, but I got stuck figuring out how to keep the Drum Map with this. See screenshot below for my current setup: If nothing else works I guess I can just add a new drum instrument track for each group, but I feel like there are easier and better ways to handle this. I'm still not super familiar with buses and routing in Cakewalk, but before Cakewalk I worked with Reason and I remember using combinators a lot to solve similar problems. Often I'm struggling with Cakewalk's view to visualize how tracks and buses are routed, but maybe things will click after getting more familiar with it.
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