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Everything posted by Lombardi
Is there a way to either create a new template or for that matter, select a basic template, and import all the channel settings, plugins and vsti settings, etc...? As I mentioned earlier, I did open a basic new template and copy and pasted all the tracks into the new project and the project did end as normal. However all the channel settings, vst assignments, synth view and so on, were lost. The time it would take to go in and reassign every channel is not worth it. I'll just hit the spacebar to stop...
Bristol, I think you misunderstand the problem. There already is an endpoint which should be where the project should end. It does not. All attempts to select the space beyond that point and delete the hole, are unsuccessful, as no data of any kind is revealed in any view. Yet the project will play on in silence ad infinitum.
Yes, I have tried unchecking and re-checking the stop at project end in the tracks/options menu numerous times with no change. Also this project has no automation envelopes. I have been looking for a something within Cakewalk to insert to create an endpoint, but evidently that does not exist. It seems to me that the ability to insert an endpoint would be a worthwhile feature.
Actually, I spoke too soon. The problem still exists. I chose the wrong project! Duh!!! Anyhow, I tried all the suggestions above on the guilty file, and still it does not stop at the end of the project. I took it a step further and selected all the tracks in the song, copied and pasted them to a new project and the song stopped as it should at the end of the project. So if there were some unseen events, nodes or whatever, wouldn't they be all copied into the new project? Again, not a show stopper, but baffling. What am I missing?
Thanks for your help. No events showed up in the event view, but I did select 600+ bars beyond the last event and deleted hole and it worked! Thanks again.
I have a project that I've been working on for a couple of months which used to stop at the end of the project. For some reason that I can't determine it no longer does and keeps playing ad infinitum unless I hit the spacebar. All other projects work as normal. I have unchecked and rechecked the "stop at project end" box in options and searched for any midi or audio data for hundreds of bars in the track view with no luck. Not a deal breaker for sure, but annoying. Any suggestions?
Glad you got it figured out! I just went through a somewhat similar thing after making some changes in my studio. At first I had no output from audio interface (MOTU 828 MK2). The day before we had a weather related power outage which caused the AC to turn off and on a couple of times quickly while the interface was on. Evidently it caused the interface to somehow reset the output volume of the main outs to 0. Took me about 4 hours to figure that one out, only to find that I only had the left side, which turned out to be a bad cable (which worked perfectly the day before and was untouched). My mixer setup is a bit different in that I have a 16 channel mackie for monitoring. I bring in the main outs of the interface to channels 1&2. From there it is routed to the main outs and the control room outs to 2 different sets of studio monitors ( one large and one smaller ). I use the other inputs to monitor other things including monitor mixes from the MOTU. Other than that, I pretty much use the MOTU inputs to take whatever hardware keys, tone generators, mics etc. so they can be directly recorded in Cakewalk. Using a bunch of VSTi's as well.
I have a mackie mixer performing the pretty much the same function for part of my studio so I am trying to understand your situation. Are you taking the stereo output of your audio interface and bringing it into the Mackie in 2 of it's xlr or line channels or into the rca tape inputs? If using the xlr's or line level inputs, are you seeing signal into those channels (led's blinking)? If so, are the left/right buttons engaged to send it to the main outs? Also what happens if you were to take the send insert out of each channel and send it to your monitors? I realize that eliminates volume control, but it would help isolate the problem further and give you something to use till you get another solution.
Great news Noel! Thanks so much for your efforts. Any chance that little Virtual Jukebox utility could be re-implemented in Cakewalk somewhere down the road?
Accessing Songs Within A Live Show
Lombardi replied to Marke Burgstahler's topic in Cakewalk by BandLab
I have not done this yet in CbB, but in earlier editions of Sonar the way I tackled this was to first: place markers and split the audio at the beginnings and endings of the desired tunes, then select a marker, highlight that section, mixdown that section if there are multiple tracks and export audio as mp3. It sure would be nice if there was some sort of batch process, but this worked for me. Hope that helps. -
No problem, thanks for bringing it up! I was about to give up on ever using the playlist function again. Looks like there's reason for optimism. Can't wait to try.
Hey Roger, Thanks so much for raising this topic again. I completely agree with your assessment of the Playlist feature. I too have been a faithful Cakewalk customer since DOS days, and I've got you beat by two years (69) as someone still using Cakewalk exclusively for my studio and live performances. I actually bailed on the playlist even before Sonar 1 because of it's quirkiness and lack of attention. Sadly enough, I have been using "Virtual Jukebox" from Cakewalk 9 as my goto for live playback of Cakewalk files. It's not pretty, and certainly limited, and until recently it required me to keep an old computer with WinXp running so I could use it on the gig. I managed to install Cakewalk 9 on a 64bit Win 10 machine using the compatabilty mode and the Virtual Jukebox function works! That barebones program uses very little real estate on the screen and allows you to jump around fairly easily. Unfortunately, every song for live use that I have recorded since Sonar thru Cakewalk by Bandlab, has had to be mixed down, exported as .wav files, inserted into Cakewalk 9, saved as a .wrk file before I can use it in the Virtual Jukebox app. PITA!!! I absolutely agree that the Playlist could be such a great feature to an already great program. With the ability to play audio and midi data simultaneously, and add vst and vsti configurations and routing with each song, it could easily compete with Logic's Main Stage on the Mac, or Cantibile, or Abelton Live for that matter. It seems Cakewalk has no interest in people who want to use their product on stage, and not just in the studio. What a shame, seems like a market that would have some value. I have asked for this many times in the past and would be thrilled if they even made an attempt to clean up what they already have, let alone make it better. Come on Noel, cut us seniors some slack here!!! Thanks Bill Lombardi
This may have been the case, and I had forgotten that audiosnap had been used, but when I bounce each track to clip, I was then able to create a Region FX. So for whatever reason, it is now functioning correctly. Thanks for your help.
I am looking to use the Drum Replacer on a kick drum track, which I have done before on other songs. After selecting the clip, (entire track) when I select Region FX from the menu above, or right clicking on the track itself, the option to "Create Region FX " is grayed out (as is all other choices). This is true when selecting other tracks as well, but not all tracks in the same file. What am I missing?
This is a feature that CbB should include as one of it's own. Attn: Noel, please let the metronome function like a Vsti, where it could be inserted into a track and frozen, or rendered as an audio track to be used as a click track. As I have mentioned in previous posts regarding the metronome function over the last number of years, there used to be a DXi called Ping DXi which worked in the old days of Cake 6, 7 etc, that a guy named Mike Norman I believe, developed which did this exact thing. Super useful for guys like me who make backing tracks, or need to include click tracks in their work. It can't be that difficult a thing to include. While I'm at it, is it possible to bring back the "Extract Timing" function that used to be included in the Audio processing of earlier Cakewalks? This was such an easy way to set up a tempo map from an imported click track, that followed any tempo changes and could be done in seconds. I realize the snap audio feature now is supposed to take care of this function, but it is far more cumbersome and less effective in my experience. It is for this reason that I had to figure out how to get Cakewalk 9 to work on a 64bit Win10 machine. Please????