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Everything posted by D_Maynard

  1. I would hug you right now if I could! Fantastic guess! My O is not bound to offset, but offset mode WAS active (I've never used it or even knew what that button did up in the top bar). I turned off offset and "KaBlam!" Master output was back to normal when I moved everything back to it! Something is still wackadoodle with the audio engine popping and stopping, Definitely something up with the effects section. I still think it's related to my random typing, but at this point as long as my mix is what it's supposed to be and I can export, I'm happy, since it's only affecting this project and I'm very close to moving on from it.
  2. TLDR: and Thanks in Advance I have a project that is very nearly complete and suddenly the Master output is messed up and the audio engine is glitchy (crackles and doesn't output anything intermittently). Troubleshooting indicates problem is isolated to the Master bus. I found a workaround but I would really like to know what else I could try to make this project work properly again. What's happening: The Master bus is acting like it has a -26db pad on it somehow. I'm 99.5% sure only the Master bus is wonky. It was outputting perfectly at near unity the entire time I've been tracking and mixing, until this issue arose. I believe this issue correlates with trying to rename a track when I wasn't actually in the text box, but I'm not certain. I THINK I was typing "Doctor David" but instead hit one or more random keyboard shortcuts. (example - The Console View took over the entire screen as I typed.) Now playback is very quiet and the audio glitches and sometimes stops working at all until I turn off the effects on the Master (Ozone 10), then it is still quiet but will play back for a while until it stops again. Troubleshooting steps: Master bus fader is at unity, unchanged from previous working condition, gain at unity, no muting, no weird routing. I've confirmed that other projects play back and output correctly. This issue is only affecting this project. I put an identical new audio track in this project and an old one and soloed it, plays fine in old, quiet in this project. I've checked Gain and Ozone settings on the Master and all looks correct. It plays back quiet (at -26 db peak) even with Ozone bypassed or removed from the Master bus. Full audio export from Master bus is also way quiet. Several other things that I can't remember that helped me isolate it to the Master bus output only. Temporary workaround: I created a new stereo bus and re-routed all tracks and subs to it, moved Ozone to it, and routed output to my Scarlett 2i2, effectively making it the Master. Hey, that worked! Hoorah! Playback is at proper levels, smooth without dropouts, and export is just how it should be. I see nothing in settings or on the Master bus that explains this behavior. I would love any direction to sort out what happened and fix the problem rather than bypass it.
  3. Thank you so much! This info led to a solution. Before screenshotting, I wanted to see if I could make sense of what you said and I played around with various In/Out combos and came up with nothing that worked. In Preferences - MIDI - Control Surfaces, I deleted the controllers... keys worked, but still no sustain. Solution - I added the deleted controllers and BOOM, sustain works fine now. The most confusing thing to me about all of this is that one day it just didn't work when I opened a project and it wouldn't work at all for anything in CbB. I think I'm going to play a virtual piano all night now, I've missed it!
  4. I can't figure this out. Completely stumped. If I uninstall and reinstall CbB, will my virtual instruments and sound libraries need to be reinstalled?
  5. No need to be sorry, I've been very thorough, but sometimes it's the simple misses! I think you meant to say is the "Controller" box checked, and it is. Here are my settings on that page.
  6. Problem Solved - See: I am using CbB with a Roland A-800Pro and a MGear sustain pedal on Win11. This setup has worked for years with no problems. My sustain pedal recently stopped functioning in CbB and I'm going crazy trying to troubleshoot it. It seems that CbB simply stopped seeing the CC data from the input. This MAY be caused by my latest CbB update (2014.07 Build 108), but I can't say with certainty that's the case since I've worked on projects before and after that mostly haven't used sustain at all. Here are some of the things I've tried/considered: 1) MidiOx shows sustain pedal activity (screenshot attached) 2) Pedal works fine with other DAWs 3) Event List in CbB shows no pedal activity while recording or playing 4) I added some sustain events manually in CbB and they play back properly (screenshot attached) 5) Polarity on the pedal wasn't changed and isn't an issue. (see 1-2) 6) This issue may have started with the latest CbB update but I'm unsure 7) I haven't touched any CbB settings in a long time. 8) I've restarted my computer, CbB, and A800Pro multiple times in various orders. Nothing. 9) Based on other sustain pedal threads, I've sifted through all the MIDI functions under Preferences in CbB and everything seems in order. 10) Every other function of my A-800 works fine in CbB and any other DAW. 11) I have no clear reason at this point to suspect either the pedal or A-800 are a factor. I'm just lost. I've spent so much time with this that I'm about ready to just switch DAWs but I've used Cakewalk/Sonar for over 20 years and don't WANT to change. Please save me! 1) Midi Ox 2) Event View in CbB - manual entry
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