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  1. Hi, sorry for replying to a dormant thread, but I have subscrived to a ComposerCloud+ and had nothing but problems. A bunch on them to be honest. EW Instruments and Opus Softwear is THE most not user friendly softwear I ever encountered. And the worst, they do not have any tutorials on how to deal with the sofrwear problems. Just a puny installation guide which tells nothing relevant. And yet, people reporting the same problems over the years. ANYWAY, Tracy, I had the same problem as you by the look of it. Installed Opus and intended to use it with my Reaper Daw. Opus started crashing every 5 minutes and shutting down Reaper as well. Couldn't use either at all. Took 7 days to resolve the issue. So apparently, Opus doesnt like long folder names and this is only so for Windows. So you must create C:/EastWest/ folder and download all single instruments AND any libraries only in there. If your folder has too many extentions your Opus will crush. How stupid is this? And why in the name of B-flat dont they put this important info into their installatuon guide?! Here is the email EW Instruments team sent me and it resolved the problem (I hope!) "On windows we recommend just making an Drive Letter:\EastWest\ folder and putting all of the libraries in that folder. If your library path is much longer than that, try making that shorter folder path name then reset the path in the EW Installation Center: 1. Open the Installation Center and Login with your soundsonline.com account. 2. Click the main menu in the upper right corner and choose ‘Library Directories… 3. Add in the Main library folder ('Drive:\EastWest or whatever you called it), where all your libraries are stored on the drive 4. Click the ‘Default’ box to make it the default install location 5. Return to the main window, click the main menu again but this time choose ‘Reconnect libraries’ And also in Opus you would want to go to the Settings (gear icon) > Preferences > Locations tab and edit the ‘On Demand Download’ directory to also be that shorter filepath folder." Also, download sometimes takes time with Opus and their files are heavy due to details (I think). So until the instrument or entire library (depending on what you decide to download) fully downloads (green circle on the right top corner in Opus plug-in) your midi keyboard or your pre-recorded midi tract won't make a sound! Then just some notes will start coming through. Then after an eternity your track will play. I thought at the begining that Opus refuses to read Reaper midi, but still somehow connects to my midi keyboard. I could see the keys on the interactive keyboard on the Opus screen moving in sync with me pressing them on the controller, but no sound coming out. Then just some sounds started coming through and I thought my midi cable has died. Could not understand what on earth is going on until I realised that the instrument must download fully before it start making sounds. So click "download" and go for a long walk or watch a movie, or you'll be kicking dead horse for an hour or two. All for all, I will finish producing the project I started and will get rid of Opus. It gives me migraines. More frustration than pleasure working with this clumsy bit of softwear.
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