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dominic snell

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  1. Just wanted to thank everyone who offered advice above. I tried everything and finally cracked it by buying a midiplus box from ebay for about £30. I couldn't believe it could be so simple because I had 3 midi/usb leads and I couldn't accept that none of them worked. They didn't but midi plus does. Thanks again to everyone
  2. Thanks for all the advice. I looked into buying miditeck and midiplus. Ended up buying the midiplus because whilst both were highly recommended, the midiplus was quite a lot cheaper. We will see!.....
  3. does that mean buying a small box which I can plug a few normal midi leads from my old synths into, and than a more modern usb lead comes out of the box and connects to my pc?
  4. I downloaded reaper, found it bewildering to be honest but anyway no joy there. Also downloaded pianotech but can't play that from my midi keyboard either. I tried playing another synth from the synth I want to play midi into my pc with and that works ago, so at least I know that my synth is sending a midi signal out.
  5. does any one know of a free vst that can run stand alone without a daw so I can see if that recognises my inputs from midi keyboard?
  6. plugging one midi keyboard into pc I get "c1 note on" in midiox monitor input when I turn the keyboard on, then nothing else when I play or even when I turn off. Trying the other midi keyboard through the same midi/usb leads I get millions of "timing clock "and some "active sensing" and if i play a note i get "note on" but not "note off" but because of so many "timing clock "messages it is very difficult to see the others. Through the second midi/usb lead I get nothing at all from either keyboard Does this help pinpoint anything? Dom
  7. Thanks everyone. I will see if downloading midi ox can make any sense of things and let you know. This keyboard used to do this ok linked to a very underpowered laptop a few years ago. I have tried 3 different leads and one other midi keyboard. Anyway, I'll try Ox Thanks!
  8. thanks for your help guys. I tried to record some midi but nothing appeared in the track. Any more ideas to try?
  9. Thanks for your thoughts. In Midi-playback and recording I have selected usb2 as input- I'm using a midi/usb lead out of a korg synth. Can you thing of anything else I can try?
  10. Hope someone can help, I can download midi files from the internet and they play them using vsts in Cakewalk no problem but I've had no success trying to play my midi keyboard which is linked with a midi/ usb lead. I've selected the input as usb. Is there anything else I can try or do I just need to by a new lead? Many thanks in advance.
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