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Mike Rothacker

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Everything posted by Mike Rothacker

  1. Yeah thanks , i was justrying to use it as a standalone with my laptop to edit midi files and then generate tones with vst. I think it took me a week to figure out that this wont do what i wanted to use it for. So i have removed it from my laptop and installed another daw and within an hour or so i had it doing what i was hoping to do.
  2. I downloaded Cakewalk to edit midi files. Ive managed to sort of get it to play some vst sounds internally but it usually plays one instrument for all of the tracks. Every reference post or viseo i read or watched said i need to select TTS-1 which i have found out is no longer available and i dont have an older version of Cakewalk. So my question is in light of no tts-1 and not being able to find it online to download does this in fact makè cakewalk useless for how i want to use it ??? Ive been working on this for a week and i thought i would ask just in case there is some other fix someone knows before i remove it. Thanks !
  3. Thans everybody so far ! Ive made som progress , i checked for updates and downloaded the latest update and there was something in that that allowed me to start routing midi. I dont know if something jappened on the initial install that prevented me from routing mido ? So now i am exploring instrument vst's. When i installed one of them it said i did not have a tts-1 , i read up on it and i think i dont need it. Anyways thanks for all of the help !
  4. I dont know if this helps or not but i ran the wave profiler again and then went to preferences then midi input and output devices and it lists nothing on inputs or outputs. But this confuses me because i did get the computer to play a midi file in media player legacy.
  5. Promidi , right i have not routed the tracks to either the sound card or vst plugins yet as i basically have no clue what i am doing. Thanks
  6. Rsinger i have not set up the midi , in spite of my poking around i have not been able to figure that out. I know the sound card plays midi , i played a midi file in the legacy media player. Thanks
  7. Kurre we should go on the assumption that i know absolutely nothing about cakewalk. First time user essentially. I bought a version around the year 2001 and used it a little bit to record. So i did find that button and it does nothing. I know the card will play midi because i opened a file in the hertage media player. I think what i need to know is how to tell cakewalk how to send the data to the sound card or how to tell the tracks how to play the software sounds. Really , i am serious when i say assume i know nothing ! Thanks
  8. This should be real easy , I am setting up cakewalk for the first time on my laptop , I want to play midi files and have either the sound card or cakewalk generate the tones. I open a file play it , I see the data , I see meters moving but I hear nothing. So what settings do I need to change to make the audio happen ? Thanks !
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