Tried uninstalling and re-installing, no luck. It seems to be a VST2 file.
Ran the log, but it didn't seem to log anything unusual... although it did delete Kontakt.dll registry key (probably from the disable option on the popup). Here's the snippet from the Kontakt player log (38):
VSTSCAN: ---- 37: c:\program files\native instruments\Native Access\vulkan-1.dll ----
VSTSCAN: [ShortPath] c:\PROGRA~1\NATIVE~1\NATIVE~1\vulkan-1.dll
VSTSCAN: [RegKey] Software\Cakewalk Music Software\Cakewalk\Cakewalk VST X64\Inventory\c:/program files/native instruments/Native Access/vulkan-1.dll
VSTSCAN: ---- 38: c:\program files\native instruments\VSTPlugins 64 bit\Kontakt.dll ----
VSTSCAN: [ShortPath] c:\PROGRA~1\NATIVE~1\VSTPLU~2\Kontakt.dll
VSTSCAN: [RegKey] Software\Cakewalk Music Software\Cakewalk\Cakewalk VST X64\Inventory\c:/program files/native instruments/VSTPlugins 64 bit/Kontakt.dll
VSTSCAN: Finished analyzing VST plugins - 27 of 34 VST plugins were scanned in this run
VSTSCAN: Delete untouched - Scanning for plugins to remove...
VSTSCAN: Deleted registry key (c:/program files/native instruments/VSTPlugins 64 bit/Kontakt.dll)
Closing log file
Thursday, 15 Aug 2024, 22:35:35
EDIT: Dove a little bit deeper, and found that actually, the full log stops right at the last line copied down below. Again, it seems like it's not establishing contact with the main point?
VST to scan - c:\program files\native instruments\VSTPlugins 64 bit\Kontakt.dll
VSTSCAN: ******* Analyzing VST plugins...
VSTSCAN: ---- 1: c:\program files\native instruments\VSTPlugins 64 bit\Kontakt.dll ----
VSTSCAN: [ShortPath] c:\PROGRA~1\NATIVE~1\VSTPLU~2\Kontakt.dll
VSTSCAN: [RegKey] Software\Cakewalk Music Software\Cakewalk\Cakewalk VST X64\Inventory\c:/program files/native instruments/VSTPlugins 64 bit/Kontakt.dll
VSTSCAN: ---- Loading VST plugin c:\program files\native instruments\VSTPlugins 64 bit\Kontakt.dll ----
VSTSCAN: DLL loaded successfully...
VSTSCAN: Successfully got entry point. DLL is a VST plugin...
VSTSCAN: Calling VST main entry point...