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Everything posted by pwalpwal

  1. my answer was shorter 🤣
  2. interesting response from the dev:
  3. no issues with that here, i find it clear and usable, decent information architecture
  4. google "cakewalk sonar" https://www.google.com/search?q=CAKEWALK+SONAR&client=firefox-b-d&sca_upv=1&uact=5&oq=CAKEWALK+SONAR can someone call marketing please?
  5. there ya go https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-d&q=bandlab+membership
  6. pfft iu duhnno, but for yonks i've used asio4all on a laptop with the realtek chipset with old sonar, ableton live, studio one and mixxx, and also with the same apps but with an alesis photon x25 also without issue, and the laptop also has the roland/edirol asio driver installed for the ua1000, also without issue long live asio4all!
  7. i'm sure they do, but the daw is not their main product, it's an add-on 🤷‍♀️
  8. but that's the issue - most hobbyists don't, and use the onboard realtek, for which asio4all is a great solution, cakewalk/sonar/whatevertheyrecallingitnow is the only daw in my experience that doesn't work well with asio4all, mark mccloud explained why recently (it opens/exposes all wdm ports or something, that cw/snr doesn't like), hence the warning from the the app i've said it before, i don't understand why they're (cw/bl) not prioritising cw/snr working nicely with this (fake) asio driver, as the vast majority of bandlab users (young people using laptops) will be using it, my guess is that there's some ancient code that would take a big refactoring to do so, and things like xsampler are higher prio because it's more sellable for marketing, business is as business does in summary, i've had nothing but success over many years with asio4all for the realtek chipset in mulitple daws, cw/snr being the only one that apparently has issues that i've never personally experienced 🤷‍♀️ /goodluck
  9. cwb format has been told to be "old format" and really not to be used these modern days, the advice is to open your cwb file and re-save it as cwp with the audio sub-folder (and then zip it, or whatever compressor you prefer, to share or archive it) /goodluck
  10. @Jonathan Sasor wouldn't know? he probably knows more than the support team at the email address 🤷‍♀️
  11. i think the op question was "Is there plans for a GM default Player?" so, are there any plans to replace tts-1 for a new default gm player? (you're allowed to say no and not just divert from the question )
  12. Stereolab - I Feel The Air (Of Another Planet)
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