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Everything posted by pwalpwal

  1. i guess sonar and nest are different dev teams, and next is being built from scratch, whereas sonar has 30 years worth of code already (and tts-1 belongs to roland who decided to end that relationship) 🤷‍♀️
  2. oh well Sorry, we are all out of stock. Unfortunately, we’ve exhausted our stock of TB-303 Software Bass Line coupons. As a consolation prize, enjoy three months of free access to Roland Cloud Ultimate membership. To claim your 3-month Roland Cloud Ultimate membership, you’ll need your unique voucher code: blahdiblah
  3. i guessing comedy or drama based 🤪
  4. Thanks for signing up! Keep an eye on your inbox to find out if you're among the first 3,030!
  5. is that the "royal we"? osees - beat quest
  6. i promise never to mention asio4all ever again (maybe admin can add it it to the ***** list) 😘
  7. yep we thought is was carbon monoxide until they said it wasn't
  8. that literally doesn't make sense but you have to agree that proaudio/sonar/cbb has always been pretty much excluded, i've always blamed marketing, the one exception being anderton's sos column (no longer there), even when partnering with big players like roland and then bought by gibson, this forum still blames those corps for lack of success maybe you don't want a discussion/suggestions and will now delete this pwal account also? (please don't)
  9. because: 1. we've asked for it for ages 2. it makes sense for new users who don;t know what a driver is (bl subs) 3. why is everyone so upset about any suggestions about change 4. if the world was run by "yes men" we'd end up... oh.. errrr
  10. haha, yes of course i know what asio4all is, but hey other daws like say ableton live, explicitly do recommend it, cakewalk/sonar is the only daw that has issues, i guess because it's incompatible with their driver inplemetation, which has always been windows-only, and every other daw has a cross-platform driver implementation (being cross-platform daws) cakewalk/sonar is now bundled with a social media account aimed at non-pros, so to make it work "out of the box" for teens who don't know what a "driver" would only benefit everybody so don't take a suggestion as a criticism fwiw, i've used this daw (and others) since the late 90s it's perfectly possible to make chart/successful music without a nice audio interface 🤷‍♀️
  11. it's not just since they went free, they've never been considered mainstream, i guess because windows only? but yeah, since forever when did they last have a namm table? tbf, if it's free why don't plugin devs test in it.., etc, and so on
  12. make cbb/sonar work with asio4all it would mean all the new users (bl members) could just get on with their onboard realtek and enjoy the software, sonar a great daw, like they do with next and every other daw, without having to spend money on a "pro" audio interface of course it means some code refactoring but everyone wins in the end surely? and don't just say wasapi (that's a japanese sauce :P) and if not, why not?
  13. and to follow up that, why aren't plugin devs testing in sonar?
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