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Everything posted by pwalpwal

  1. ok my turn, the connection between the above two?
  2. i thought that if you already have a previous version installed, your install options are restricted, but if like the staff say you do a "clean install" you can put most of it where you like /goodluck
  3. purple mountains - she's making friends, i'm turning stranger
  4. grandaddy - Collective Dreamwish Of Upperclass Elegance
  5. Super Furry Animals - Fire in My Heart
  6. because they use discord https://discord.com/invite/cakewalk-next-1024921285953863700
  7. Half Man Half Biscuit - Joy Division Oven Gloves https://www.amazon.co.uk/Division-Oven-Gloves-Double-Version/dp/B07S8WGC28
  8. some fantastic footage here
  9. This is not true, and many other daws work fine with asio4all... Kappn may want to consider looking elsewhere software wise, after all it's supposed to be fun not a battle 🤷‍♂️
  10. video unavailable, will i regret asked what it was? (considering the next one haha)
  11. we prefer the obvious round these parts 🙄
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