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Everything posted by pwalpwal

  1. giant sand - I'm so Lonesome I Could Cry
  2. pavement - Jackals, False Grails: The Lonesome Era
  3. butthole surfers - Lonesome Bulldog
  4. Jonathan Richman & the Modern Lovers - Egyptian Reggae
  5. sure! godzilla's a fictional monster, what would it do?
  6. Kool & the Gang and Quiet Riot - "Bang Your Head (It's a Celebration)"
  7. yep, if there's a place to find money it's a shopping mall, hope it goes better
  8. i guess it's to do with their implementation of wdm driver mode, and that clashes with asio4all's wdm wrapper implementation 🤷‍♀️
  9. i personally have no issues with asio4all and use it all the time for the laptop realtek this is not true for studio one or ableton live or standalone VSTs like arturia or cherry audio, closing the daw/host closes the driver, life continues /goodluck
  10. Courtney Barnett + Kurt Vile - Continental Breakfast
  11. depends on the plugin, many have export/import functionality, some even just save them in a folder so all you need to do is copy that folder (u-he for example) i googled the first quote above and found lots of discussions/info? eta: if the daws are on the same machine they should just be available across the board /goodluck
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