I decided it was time to get started with a DAW and research landed me with Cakewalk. So, I am newer than a newbie.?
Well, it brings lots of surprises to me. I've created a 10 instrument song (Clair de Lune) in my Yamaha DGX 670 and thought I'd experiment with volumes, and try to add a bit more dynamics using a DAW.
The song has 6 tempo changes, along with a few key changes. Time signature is 9/8. Somehow I ended up with a wrong tempo at a spot that doesn't even have a tempo change. Not sure how I did that. I was going to attempt to repair that in the keyboard, as the DGX 670 has an option under Song Creator to set tempo. But in a contact with Yamaha support, they suggested it would be better to do that in a DAW.
So, this was my first attempt in Cakewalk. I imported the midi file and I quickly noticed:
Did not bring in any tempos at all
Did not bring in the time signature
Did not bring in what instruments are being used (I presume I need to assign virtual instruments in Cakewalk, haven't messed with that yet), BUT:
When I import the revised midi from Cakewalk into the Yamaha, do I lose all instruments that were used when I recorded the Midi file ?
What I have done is:
Imported the midi into Cakewalk
Finding no tempos in the song left it easy, in that all I had to do is go to an appropriate measure and set the tempo, for each tempo change
Exported the midi from Cakewalk to a midi giving it a different name
Went to the Yamaha and played the song from a USB drive
Well, all I got was a short tone. Other than that nothing.
Is my thought process of using a DAW to add dynamics to a song, expecting to retain the instruments that I assigned to each channel an unattainable task?
I appreciate any input, help and suggestions.