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  1. My list is varying from yours. So I have the Patch Name for Banks selected under Yamaha XG in the Define Instruments and Names window, then I click the Import button, turns off the highlight on Patch Names for Banks and it opens a window wanting me to select a file for an instrument definition, as shown below. I didn't get to the Project Window.
  2. I posted a 3 minute video on the issue. That'll be easier to understand than a long text message. Seems strange, Title says it, I get a measure that is not in the song put in front of the midi by Cakewalk. Video on Youtube-> Here I suspect it will be an easy answer for the folks with more experience than me (that would be pretty much anyone here). Appreciate your thoughts and suggestions.
  3. I really appreciate your guidance. I haven't attempted that yet, but I certainly will. I have another problem that is an issue for me that I' posting now. Learning the use of a DAW will keep me entertained?
  4. New to Cakewalk. Version using in signature. My first "Project" is just to correct tempo settings on a midi file from my Yamaha DGX 670. I have put in these settings (Sorry about the large pics. I don't seem to be able to size it down here, and also downsized in a picture editing program).: Also made sure starting tempo was at 70, and time signature at 9/8. But when I load the midi in my Yamaha, it shows different starting tempo and time signature for the song. For measure 1, it shows tempo 120 and time sig 4/4. I'm brand new with this. I'm obviously missing something. Any suggestions appreciated.
  5. The midi file was generated by the Yamana, saved to a USB thumb, and I used the Import command to load it from the USB thumb drive. That did the trick! I clicked in the hub for an empty project, and loaded the file (maybe I didn't need to do the empty file). It even plays the instruments w/o my having to set up virtual instruments. A couple caveats at this point: While the sound plays the instruments, I do not see where it identifies the instruments. It adds an extra/empty measure at the front of each track (maybe that's why I didn't think it pulled in the time signature, as in this case it shows 4/4 for the first (empty} measure, then changes to the 8/9 on measure 2 While all of the tempo indicators are there, checking them I find this: As expected, given the extra measure at the front, if my sheet music shows to change to 80 at measure 27, it does so. But when the sheet music indicates to change to 100 at 43, I would expect in Cakewalk it would show to change at 44, but in the midi file in Cakewalk it shows it to change at 42 The above fact prompted me to test playing the midi while watching the electronic music sheet play indicator. Both set at same tempo, the song being played (in the PC...not connected to the Yamaha at this point) moves quite a bit faster than the song played via Cakewalk. Net on tempo, a little further looking and the measures do not match the measures in the music. I need to see if I can figure that one out.
  6. I decided it was time to get started with a DAW and research landed me with Cakewalk. So, I am newer than a newbie.? Well, it brings lots of surprises to me. I've created a 10 instrument song (Clair de Lune) in my Yamaha DGX 670 and thought I'd experiment with volumes, and try to add a bit more dynamics using a DAW. The song has 6 tempo changes, along with a few key changes. Time signature is 9/8. Somehow I ended up with a wrong tempo at a spot that doesn't even have a tempo change. Not sure how I did that. I was going to attempt to repair that in the keyboard, as the DGX 670 has an option under Song Creator to set tempo. But in a contact with Yamaha support, they suggested it would be better to do that in a DAW. So, this was my first attempt in Cakewalk. I imported the midi file and I quickly noticed: Did not bring in any tempos at all Did not bring in the time signature Did not bring in what instruments are being used (I presume I need to assign virtual instruments in Cakewalk, haven't messed with that yet), BUT: When I import the revised midi from Cakewalk into the Yamaha, do I lose all instruments that were used when I recorded the Midi file ? What I have done is: Imported the midi into Cakewalk Finding no tempos in the song left it easy, in that all I had to do is go to an appropriate measure and set the tempo, for each tempo change Exported the midi from Cakewalk to a midi giving it a different name Went to the Yamaha and played the song from a USB drive Well, all I got was a short tone. Other than that nothing. Is my thought process of using a DAW to add dynamics to a song, expecting to retain the instruments that I assigned to each channel an unattainable task? I appreciate any input, help and suggestions.
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