Hi Everybody,
I am a hobby-musician playing drums. I have zero experience with CakeWalk. I have used a little bit audacity, ocenAudio and Hydrogen.
After some reasearch for a DAW-software I decided to try CakeWalk. Now what I want to do is this:
For learning new grooves I use GaudioLab to separate the instruments into tracks.
Then importing drum-tracks as MP3 or WAV-files. Mark, copy or cut, parts of the drum-track duplicate the part,
change speed but keeping the pitch to make a slower version of the drum-track
re-build the drum-groove (high-hat, snare. Kickdrum, toms etc) to analyse the groove and to be able to practise it.
After installing CakeWalk I am lost at where to start. What most basic tutorials can you recommend for what I want to do?
After installing I am even unsure if CakeWalk can do what I have described above.
I am the most embryonal bloodiest beginner in the field of DAW-software. My momentary knowledge-base is standard office software like libreOffice, Thunderbird, Browsers.
I am also a hobby software-developper with Delphi and C++ but this does not help at all using CakeWalk
So if you can post links to most basic introductional tutorials this is much appreciated.
many thanks in advance
best regards Stefan