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  1. Just a quick one - did either of you install this software recently and if so did you have any problems? When I click 'install' I am asked if I want all the files unzipping first. If I say yes it fails to open them all. If I click 'run' instead of 'install' I am asked if I want to allow the unknown software to make changes to my pc. Any advice would be appreciated.
  2. Thank you for the comprehensive responses.
  3. Has anyone tried these especially the free software and if so is there a catch anywhere? ie time-limited, adverts, etc https://www.bfddrums.com/drum-software/bfd-player.html
  4. What has Presonus done? Edit - sorry just read the Deals forum post.
  5. Sonar Home Studio or even Sonar Music Creator would be a decent compromise.
  6. I couldnt find where it says that Next and Sonar were included.
  7. Having been a Cake user on and off since 1994 (Cakewalk Apprentice) and having used most of the upgrades in that time I would appreciate some advice. I write and record music. Audio, and midi (with the use of softsynths), and plug ins for audio/midi effects. The main feature for me is audio editing and I have read that Cakewalk Next does not include this feature. Could anyone confirm this and if so do they know what other 'key' features may have been omitted from Next? Also, with the above in mind is my best bet to go with Sonar? Thank you.
  8. Hi is the link to the download the one at the beginning of this thread as that says posted in 2019?
  9. Hi - yes I just have and the resultant file included a load of vibrato for some reason.
  10. Hi i downloaded SFZ but Cakewalk doesnt recognise it as it is an .exe file not a vst. ie it didnt install as a plugin. Also when I open the exe file the followin gimage is what i get - there is no way to load a SF2 into it. Am I missing something?
  11. Hi - thanks. It appears to be that the SF2 file I am trying to play remains at SF2 -ie it is not being converted into SFZ format. Plus I have other SF2 files that the SFz Player is not locating when try to access them. Not sure what you mean about the 32 bit programme. Do you use a SF2 player that is more stable?
  12. Ok I have found SFZ and have loaded it into CW and assigned a midi track to it. As shown in pic below it should playback the SF2 file but I am not hearing anything. Is there anything else I should do to make this work? Many thanks
  13. Hi - yes I do - but I cannot find SFZ - I presumed it was a VST but its not showing up even after a scan. Any ideas?
  14. Hi can you describe in simple steps how i mange to 'insert' or 'import' SFZ into my cakewalk project then assign a midi track to it? Thanks
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