Need to pick up a laptop for running tracks and midi lights live. I doubt I will do anything but the lightest of tracking on it, if any at all. I am thinking about running Cakewalk -> Presonus AudioBox -> audio goes to mixer, MIDI goes to DMX converter then wireless. Literally going to be running a single stereo track (click on left, backing stuff on right) and some midi to trigger a bunch of lights. How beefy do I need to go? My instinct is that what's listed below should handle it, but I'm out of the tech / spec loop (RAM, cores, etc). What do you all think? If not, anybody see anything on Prime Day that might be better?®-GeForce-FA506NC-ES51/dp/B0CRDB8G1G/ref=sr_1_3?crid=EWIWF50KP6X6&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.fj1031qK9anIWzbF40LjamIWjafByWBfH_qNcQ9_sB9omN_QJg6XCkUiSMtsdmTqFyhcpS2uK8Da4TRaP2dKKZpUU43XOSknfro65kHEbWX-hviQRTnuVa6353jpUaeuVjBLYJKUrpCByYwgKezN0XZ4QvL4cs3NH1bh2TIoW4KlMNc6yOiO8aF19ow9Th_iKtSHn8MaqrKj8sezuuwTKOQXLN8VnfaPJ8aW6iTL3-J-ADRnR00c5Pw2NwfjI40311S4TKhUp8pReqQT_y1MCNfSUYT6MQfDugkdD--cBkc.IBRCiHwVj3aHqyIsCU8xq6hbtFgGsqBafmezUQQgMNU&dib_tag=se&keywords=ASUS%2BTUF%2BGaming%2B8%2Bcores&qid=1721159716&s=electronics&sprefix=asus%2Btuf%2Bgaming%2B8%2Bcores%2Celectronics%2C84&sr=1-3&th=1