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  1. yeah, no. I'd have to freeze the tracks to move them and freezing causes the pop at the beginning, too, so it's not an option here
  2. I was thinking about doing that, although I was wondering if having to export the file twice would have any repercussion in quality (maybe not since it's a wav format, though?) The click seems to always be on the right side, by the way. Edit: This project is really big, has a lot of tracks, tempo changes and bus automations. I'll try and move all of them in a copy of the file.
  3. Well turns out i just realized it's about phase shift being caused by a LPF. What could be done in order to keep that low pass at the beginning of the song and not get the click?
  4. Whenever I export a midi instrument track (also on playback) I get this weird click sound at the beginning of the region I'm exporting (at the beginning of the song, when it's the whole mix). It changes its position depending on the buffer size i choose when exporting, but i haven't found any buffer size that gets rid of it. I was thinking maybe it's because of phase drift but I can't seem to fix that since the draw tool doesn't work on frozen midi tracks as far as I know. Does anyone know what the exact reason of this click sound could be (and how to fix it)? Thanks!
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