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  1. Here, I managed to capture it happening, it happens every few times I drag notes Sequence 01_1.mp4
  2. So this sounds dumb, but when I tried recording, the entire 2 hour session, it didn't happen once. It's random when it happens The only keys I use are: space - play and pause left click - drag to edit note length right click - drag to select notes control - to select multiple notes, to scroll left and right Once it happens once, it happens once every now and then only stopping once I shutdown my computer, closing and re-opening cakewalk doesn't seem to fix it
  3. I'm using 2024.07, I'm just not sure if theres some weird setting I have toggled or what but its very annoying
  4. How to reproduce: - select multiple notes - hold left click on one of them to attempt to change the note length of all selected - only one actually changes I don't know why this happens, it doesn't happen reliably, it just happens sometimes. Can someone please help me
  5. @jono grant How did you copy paste the tempo track? I can't figure out what a "special copy paste is". All I can do is copy and paste the midi tracks themselves (notes, pitch bend etc...) but not the tempo track from one project to another
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